You don’t have to be the biggest in the room
There was one from Dr. Melissa Hunsicker Walburn with the amazing, off-the-charts fabulous Fort Hays State University! Here it is, paraphrased a bit… “you don’t have to be the biggest to be in charge.”
Let’s put some more words around that… “You don’t have to be the biggest in the room to be a leader.” “You don’t have to be the wealthiest to be rich.” “You don’t have to be the most educated to be a leader or be smart.”
There are so many takes on that very profound blink reaction lesson. From people to animals, I can think of so many situations where it was not the “biggest” one on the team, in the room, in the meeting, who was actually the leader.
There’s something about leaders, or those in charge… they have an aura around them. They exude an energy of “follow me!” We’ll do this together! And, people WANT to follow them. They know that this leader-energy is worthy… we’ll go places. We’ll tackle things, figuratively and literally.
And, certainly no shame here… As I look back, I remember my younger self, needing to be a bit more boastful and “loud” than my older self believes is necessary. My self-confidence, or possibly the lack thereof, led me to show up as my smaller self, and needing to tell people what I’d done, and why I was worthy. Yea, I know that was all a product of a younger, less mature, time, and we certainly learn from those times!
It truly is fascinating human behavior to watch this lesson play out… talk to your own self, and ask if you are trying to BE more, versus just letting your role in the pack, the group, the tribe, play out in the manner meant to be.
So, with that, word for the day… just be you, do you, and be the BEST YOU with whatever role it is you play!