It’s Time To ADAPT!

I listened to a webinar yesterday with the amazing Simon Sinek. That guy always inspires me!

Anyway, his talk was on business today, and adapting. The hour was so powerful with giving different ways to think about your world right now, and the survivors in businesses are going to be those who can adapt and see the world differently. His comment that even just a few months ago, we wouldn’t be okay with some things that we are now. For instance, so many companies whose only way of connecting, having meetings, thinking about conferences, anticipating training sessions and other learning opportunities was IN PERSON. (Loved this comment too… “today we are more okay with a sub-standard quality webinar shot on an iPhone than we were in February!)

I love that as I’ve heard countless times that the only way so much of these things can happen is in person. But we sure have been forced to think differently, to act differently and to be different.

Even more powerful was when he said, “there’s not much demand right now for a conference keynote speaker, of which I am!” Almost overnight, his business went to hell in a handbasket.

What I also loved about what he said is that this new normal or how we’re connecting, might become the… well… normal. Wow! That gave me cause for pause… am I adapting? Or am I just “waiting” for all of this to pass, and then we can hit “play” again and everything will resume like it was in February 2020?

Eek. I think I’ve been waiting to hit “play” again.

But, today, I thought differently. I saw it differently and I have my on-line game “on!” That’s going to be my new PLAY! It must be.

And you know me. I always love to “paws” again and see where I should have learned this lesson already.

Have you ever rescued a dog? Possibly even one who comes with some nasty stuff behind them? Guess what they do… they adapt. They come into their new normal, and they adapt. They adapt, they thrive, and beautiful things just happen!

Folks, it’s time to do just that. I’m going with some of this philosophy that the “new normal” is now the norm!