What drives you every day? What makes you tick? What is your passion that gets you out of bed to go make a difference in this world? What is it?
Do you know? Are you mindful enough to think about THAT and make THAT a hallmark for what moves you every day?
April 21st is a special day for me, as it represents the beginning of my journey. April 21st eighteen years ago when on this day my precious pup died, and my world was rocked. She was my everything and had been a major part of my life and my world of young adult experiences. And not one time during her life did I believe that would shape my life forever. We were just having fun and living life. Doing what a pet mommy and beloved pet do…
This morning I flashed back. I loved my career in the human death care world. As odd as it sounds, I took great joy in helping people through one of the parts of life people don’t like thinking about: death. I found it fascinating how many people denied its existence. How many people used the word “if” when it came to the subject. How many people seriously believed in NIMBY with this subject! Fascinating.
But I must say… I was guilty on some aspects of denial when it came to Mico dying. I kept thinking those magical doctors could make her well again from the lung cancer that plagued her. They would not only make her well again, but they would somehow with their wonderful fairy dust bring my puppy back. My precious puppy who was now 14 years old. I wished, and I prayed for that.
So back to reality. It was all not to be. And, on this day, April 21, 2003, my precious pup headed to the hereafter to wait on me! (Hopefully that too is not wishful thinking! Ha!)
As my heart began to heal, it hit me! For her, for us, I wanted to take this next step and create a place that was ALL about death. I wanted to do for humans and pets what I loved doing for humans. In fact, there was no question THIS was my next journey, as my entire life I had always been an animal lover! THIS was my next journey.
Today, I reflect on this eighteen-year journey. The trials, tribulations, experiences, opportunities, heartaches, rewards, people I’ve met along the way… whew. A journey it has been.
I could fill this blog page with the memories, the business lessons, the lessons of human nature, the good, the bad and the ugly of starting a business in working with humans losing beloved pets… I could fill the page. However, for today, it is a reminder to me to continue the work for her in creating a beautiful and respectful ending to a life well lived for all the “Mico’s” out there.
I could fill countless pages. But I will leave it right there.
Thank you, Mico, for being my “why.” For representing my passion and my mission. For always being the face that comes to my mind when I ask myself “what should I do in this situation?” I will always do it for you.
RIP, My Baby Girl. I will forever be grateful, for your life and for the lessons in your death.